
Versions and Availability


Module Names for ddt on qb3
Machine Version Module Name
qb3 19.1.4 ddt/19.1.4

▶ Module FAQ?

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About the Software

Arm DDT is a cross-platform debugging tool, compatible with most flavors of Linux on Intel x86_64 (Xeon), IBM Power, NVIDIA CUDA, and Arm hardware.


  • DDT requires X-windows to function, so the local machine must have an X11 server installed and running.
  • ▶ X11 FAQ?

  • Compile the program with debugging enabled. This typically requires using the -O0 and -g command line switches.
  • When using a version of MVAPICH2 newer than 1.2, there are two versions of the MPI task manager to choose from. One uses the MPD daemons and the other uses a mechanism based on SSH. The latter is preferred as it gives much better scaling performance at high process counts. To specify its use, set the DDTMPIRUN environment variable to the absolute path of the launch manager you wish to use (if you use mpirun the mpd daemons must be managed manually):
  • $ export DDTMPIRUN=`which mpirun_rsh`
    $ export DDTMPIRUN=`which mpirun`


Last modified: September 10 2020 11:58:50.