
Versions and Availability


Module Names for mpich on qb3
Machine Version Module Name
qb3 3.3.2 mpich/3.3.2/intel-19.0.5

▶ Module FAQ?

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About the Software

MPICH is a high performance and widely portable implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard.


  1. Set up your .soft file to select the library version, and the compilers you want to use for building and executing your code. Keep in mind that keys take effect in the order they appear. The following shows how to select the MPICH library and use it with the Intel C compiler. Do not simply copy them, as they are subject to change. Use the softenv command to verify them before use.
  2. +mpich-1.2.7-intel-11.1
  3. The compiler, mpicc, will use icc and link with mpich with no further ado.
  4. Run with: mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NPROCS /path/to/executable
  5. An example PBS script can be viewed below.

▶ Open Example?


  • Documentation site. You will have to use MPICH2 documentation and pay attention only to those features support by MPI-1.

Last modified: September 10 2020 11:58:50.