
Versions and Availability

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About the Software

The Portland Group compilers for C, C++ and Fortran. It also supports OpenACC.


PGI Compiler Commands
Serial Codes OpenMP Codes
Fortran pgf90 pgf90 -mp
C pgcc pgcc -mp
C++ pgCC pgCC -mp

To compile a serial program, the syntax is: <your choice of compiler> <compiler flags> <source file name> . For example, the command below compiles the source file mysource.f90and generate the executble myexec.

$ pgf90 -o myexec mysource.f90

To compile an OpenACC program, add the "-acc" flag:

$ pgcc -acc -o myexec_acc my_acc_source.c

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Last modified: September 10 2020 11:58:50.