2nd Annual HPC User Symposium

symposium 2013

LSU Information Technology Services, LSU Center for Computation & Technology and Louisiana Optical Network Initiative (LONI) are pleased to announce the 2nd Annual High Performance Computing (HPC) User Symposium from 6pm on June 12'th through 5pm on June 13'th. The Symposium will consists of a series of invited talks and a poster session discussing research using HPC systems. The symposium is open to all, with the hope of engendering cross-discipline communication and exchange of methods and experiences.

This is an opportunity for the user community to come together and share experiences and methods. Anyone interested in HPC is more than welcome to come by and find out how HPC systems are utilized in research at LONI member institutions. Campus researchers will be invited to give general interest talks on their involvement with HPC research. In addition, a few graduate and undergraduate students will be selected to present a short, 15-30 minutes talks on their work.


LSU Energy, Coast and Environment Building Rotunda Lobby and Auditorium


June 12th, 2013: Rotunda Lobby, Energy, Coast and Environment Building
6:00PM - 8:00PM Registration, Poster Presentation
June 13th, 2013: Dalton J. Woods Auditorium, Energy, Coast and Environment Building
8:00AM - 8:30AM Registration
8:30AM - 8:40AM Opening Remarks: Samuel P. White, HPC@LSU
Session I Chair: Don Liu, Louisiana Tech University
8:40AM - 9:00AM XSEDE
James A. Lupo, Louisiana State University
9:00AM - 9:30AM Computational Chemistry using LONI, from small ab initio calculations to large scale simulations for molecular systems
Collin D. Wick, Louisiana Tech University
9:30AM - 10:00AM Teaching and Mentoring HPC in High School
J. Bradford Burkman, Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts
10:00AM - 10:15AM Break
Session II Chair: Rachel Vincent-Finley, Southern University
10:15AM - 10:45AM Comparative and evolutionary genomics of halophytic (salt-loving) plants
Dong-Ha Oh, Louisiana State University
10:45AM - 11:15AM Molecular Simulation of Electric Double-Layer Capacitors Based on Carbon Nanotube Forests
Lawrence R. Pratt, Tulane University
11:15AM - 11:45AM Numerical Modeling of Sediment Transport on the Texas-Louisiana Shelf
Kehui Xu, Louisiana State University
11:45AM - 12:00AM Student Speaker: Ahmed Elshall, Louisiana State University
12:00PM - 1:00PM Lunch
Session III Chair: Frank R. Wesselmann, Xavier University of Louisiana
1:00PM - 1:30PM Symmetry Adapted & HPC Enabled Nuclear Structure Studies
Jerry P. Draayer, Louisiana State University
1:30PM - 2:00PM The effects of charge transfer on the properties of liquids
Steven W. Rick, University of New Orleans
2:00PM - 2:30PM Hybrid Parallel Computing of Minimum Action Method
Xiaoliang Wan, Louisiana State University
2:30PM - 2:45PM Student Speaker: Yifan Wang, Louisiana Tech University
2:45PM - 3:00PM Break
Session IV Chair: Le Yan, Louisiana State University
3:00PM - 3:30PM Using HPC to Develop Branch Protection Estimators
David M. Koppelman, Louisiana State University
3:30PM - 4:00PM Research Projects of HPC Group at Southern University
Liuxi Tan, Southern University
4:00PM - 4:30PM Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Polygonal Micro Heat Pipes
Harris Wong, Louisiana State University
4:30PM - 4:45PM Student Speaker: Niladri Sengupta, Louisiana State University
4:45PM - 5:00PM Student Speaker: Uddhab Tiwari, Southeastern Louisiana University
5:00PM - 5:10PM Closing Remarks:

Book of Abstracts

Please download the Book of Abstracts here.

Templates: Please consider using the templates provided for your abstracts, this will ensure uniformity in the Book of Abstracts. See PDF's of template for final version that will appear in the Book of Abstracts.

  • LaTeX:(all authors from same department and institution) (TeX) (PDF)
  • LaTeX:(authors from different department/institution) (TeX) (PDF)
  • Microsoft Word: (DOC) (PDF)
  • LibreOffice or OpenOffice.org: (ODT) (PDF)

Symposium Organizers

  • Feng Chen, HPC@LSU
  • James A. Lupo, LSU CCT
  • Alexander B. Pacheco, HPC@LSU
  • Bhupender Thakur, HPC@LSU
  • Kathryn Traxler, LSU CCT
  • Samuel P. White, HPC@LSU
  • Le Yan, HPC@LSU

Scientific Advisory Committee

  • Michal Brylinski, Louisiana State University
  • Henry Chu, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
  • Ricardo Cortez, Tulane University
  • Juana Moreno, Louisiana State University
  • Bala "Ramu" Ramachandran, Louisiana Tech University

Symposium Support Staff

  • Terrie Bordelon, LSU CCT
  • Jennifer Fontenot, LSU CCT
  • Karen Jones, LSU CCT
  • Phoenix MacAiodh, LSU CCT
  • Susie McGlone, LSU CCT


There are limited travel funds available for attending the Symposium and Workshops. All participants traveling to Baton Rouge for attending the Symposium and Workshops will be considered for travel awards provided:

  • Register for the Symposium and
  • Submit an abstract for poster or oral presentation by May 27th, 2013.

Priority will be given first to participants who are presenting (poster or oral) at the Symposium and then to participants who are attending the workshops held preceeding and following the symposium.


Special thanks to the following for their generous support of the HPC User Symposium 2013 and LONI Parallel Programming Workshop.

  • Board of Regents, State of Louisiana.
  • Information Technology Services, Louisiana State University.
  • Center for Computation and Technology, Louisiana State University.
  • Louisiana Optical Network Initiative (LONI)
  • School of the Coast & Environment, Louisiana State University.
  • Xavier University of Louisiana