QB4 is a 4.3 PetaFlop peak performance cluster with 35,008 CPU cores and 144 NVIDIA A100 GPUs, comprised of 547 compute nodes connected by 200 Gbps Infiniband fabric. All racks have been delivered and the cluster is expected to be in production early summer 2024. QB4 is housed in the state's Information Systems Building (ISB), located in Baton Rouge.

- Common Features
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 Operating System
- 200 Gb/sec (NDR200) InfiniBand
- 480 CPU Compute Nodes, each with:
- Two 32-core Intel Ice Lake (Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8358 Processor) CPUs.
- 256 GB memory
- 52 2-GPU Compute Nodes, each with:
- Two 32-core Intel Ice Lake (Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8358 Processor) CPUs.
- 512 GB memory
- 2 NVIDIA Ampere A100 GPUs with NVLink interconnect
- 10 4-GPU Compute Nodes, each with:
- Two 32-core Intel Ice Lake (Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8358 Processor) CPUs.
- 512 GB memory
- 4 NVIDIA Ampere A100 GPUs with NVLink interconnect
- 5 Big Memory Nodes, each with:
- Two 32-core Intel Ice Lake (Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8358 Processor) CPUs.
- 2 TB memory
- 2 Login Nodes, with:
- Two 32-core Intel Ice Lake (Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8358 Processor) CPUs.
- 256 GB memory
- Cluster Storage
- 6.5 PB Lustre file system
Last modified: April 16 2024 15:40:14.