Need Help with HPC Resources?


Contact Us

Our mission is to provide superlative service to all HPC users within the resources and time available. The broad areas of assistance that we can provide are described below. In all cases, the best ways to get in touch with us are described on the contacts page..

Getting Started

To get yourself started with using HPC resources, please visit the Documentation page where you can find getting started guides for all supported clusters.

Having Trouble?

If you have trouble using either LSU or LONI HPC resource, please send an email to Please make sure that it includes the name of the cluster you are using, a description of the issue, as well output and/or error messages if there is any.

Training & Workshops

HPC @ LSU offers workshops and training courses on Linux/Unix and parallel programming for HPC systems. If there is sufficient demand, special tutorial topics can also be developed, assuming sufficient expertise can be located.

User Meetings

A Computer Policy Group meeting is held Friday morning at 10:00 in Frey 307. This meeting is open to all and is attended by the system administrators, consultants, and CCT computational scientists. Any users who may have extrodinary needs, desire direct access to these human resources, or are simply interested in current HPC issues, are invited to attend.

Personal Consultation

In-depth and extended consultation support is available for problems that can not be resolved quickly. Examples include working through software build issues, helping with the installation of a customized application, assistance with using debugging and profiling tools, and guidance on the development of resource allocation requests.

XSEDE Campus Champions

Several Louisiana institutions have an XSEDE Campus Champion available to help access the XSEDE HPC resource sponsored by NSF. Available support includes providing presentations on XSEDE and the available resources, assistance developing resource allocation requests, and joining the Champion's allocation to experiment on a particular resource.

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